Saturday, September 5, 2009
@ 11:04 PM
i'm back to blog again..

emm..shall say abit abt last week..
There's quite alot of unhappy things happening last weeks..(sorry,wont be saying in full details)emm...hope things will change:)
tats all..

exams coming soon le..STRESS!!got to cope with both cca and studies at one go!!!hate it mans!!
looking forward to nxt wed,haha!!9sep,exams ended,and i'll be free frm studies..YEAH!!!
haha!!but really find it very tiring..sick + exams + cca:(
hope to really get it over soon..

Monday will be having the fers paper,RCT le..maybe will be gg to sch early to study with my classmates..then maybe will be staying in sch after exams to revise on the nxt paper which is on wed..
will be gg to sch on tues even i've no papers on tat day..go for interview..haiis!!scary!!!my time slot is the second one:(
wondering how will it be its lyk so many ppl interviewing me..sort of scared!!!surely will be shivering on tat day..haha!!too nervous..

Baobei-- I really look forward to wad i'll get n have on my b'dae:)
anyway,really got to thanks for everything:)as its my fers year,feeling so happy and so anxious and cant wait for tat day to come:) I love you!!<3

shall stop here..
*hope to recover soon by monday**PRAY HARD!!*