Sunday, September 20, 2009
@ 11:32 PM
i'm back to blog again!!:)hasnt been really blogging for quite long le..haha!!
apologised for tat previous really short post,cos i'm using psp n not com,so,its really difficult to type..

First of all,JOBS!
the whole of last week have been busying looking for jobs here and there..
online,at newspaper and even when i go out with my friends and family..
Have filled up forms at LG and Xcraft!!!but none of it called me up..which,gave me an ans of NO!!
now,already 20sept le..shld i still carry on finding or just slack at home?i'm really confused..
cos my holiday til 11oct only..left less than one,shld i?

i have been ask to collect funds for 3 months,july,august and october..but i've not even start to collect a single cent..wad am i actually busy at?i shld start collecting!!but how?i really dont know..haiis..
AND,i've been ask to decorate the well-being funds file..JW have been asking me to do it frm before my exam til now..i've still havent touch a single thing!really dont know wad happened to me this time!!last time,in prefectorial board,i've been always very keen to help out..and always prepared to give out my time for them..but how come i'm not keen anymore?!!i really wish to know wad actually its in my mind for SC...
i used to love leadership alot..but now it seems lyk i'm no longer interested in it tat so??i've really tried to really think carefully and concentrate while doing SCs things,but i find tat i no longer can do it anymore..where have all my leadership skills gone to?!!haiis..wad indeed happening to my mind?!!i really wan to know the ans..
things get even weird,i not happy with my cca..wads the actual prob?

Yesterday was my birthday..
baobei plan a BBQ for me..
really enjoy it its the fers time i'm having my own BBQ for birthday..
got lots of fun with my friends n baobei yst..

BAOBEI:Thank you for the whole b'dae BBQ...its really successful:)i love you:)
FRIENDS:Thank you for coming(for those who came for the BBQ) and thank you for all the wishes...
BAOBEI,GL,JT:Thank you for all the surprises!!!i lyk it alot:)

ok,shall stop here...
tml will be bringing my grandmother to my house and celebrate my b'dae with her n my family:)
looking forward for tml:)