Tuesday, December 15, 2009
~15dec~ @ 12:01 AM

I cant sleep so wake up to blog!
On friday,i've started working at century square,as a sales assistant at puushcart selling clothes..the outcome was quite good but its really tiring!and its very cold there!Saturday and sunday,i'm at there also!but sunday,the business isnt very good..maybe all sundays is lyk tat!
But wad is bored is tat,during lunch time and dinner time,i'm all alone!all the pushcart only got two ppl,so we need to take turns to go and eat..while eating,i'm sms-ing dear!but i knew that he wont received the msg,as he is in Myanmar..but i still cant control by sms-ing him!just miss him damn lots!On sunday,didnt really eat much as i've fall sick again!i guess its the aircon which have cause it..and somemore everyday night i reach home at ard 10plus pm then i go and bath,which is too cold for me!
Hopes to get well soon!Sick,go work = damn tiring!:(

Today and tml is my off day!Woohoox!
today morning went to harbourfront to look for pohlee and alice..
then after tat went to city square mall to shop!
after tat went back home!
tats wad i did today!

Another 3 more days and dear will be back!Soooooo finally!i've been waiting for 18dec for soooo long!!!

shall end here..
its getting late!
goodnight and sweetdreams!