Saturday, July 25, 2009
24july n 25july @ 11:43 PM
hello!!here to continue abt yst gathering with friends:)

yst stay with baobei til ard 4plus in sac then he accompany me go tampines1 buy water bottle..after tat he pei me take bus 27 to compass point then he go good of him:)love him lots:)
Weilin treat us starbucks!hahas..thank you huh weilin!!!:)
Sit outside starbucks drink plus chat..have lots of laughther there with them..
then after tat sent went to inter there take some photos first cos jiaxin need go at 6.30pm..
sent jiaxin to her bus there,then we went back take pics again..hahas..lolx..
after tat went to KFC and have our dinner there..again,we have lots of fun there..but too bad,jiaxin not with us,she miss out the fun part!!
after eating,we went toilet then go home le cos cp nth to walk de..somemore its already 8plus le..
then reach home at ard 9pm..went out again for bball training..
end at ard quite late..cant rmb the time le..
tats all for 24july..

here comes 25july!!!
Its the 2nd month me n baobei together le..hope to last longer with him:)
Friday, July 24, 2009
24july @ 11:36 AM
Here to post again...

just bath finish...
later going sch meet baobei first then going sc...but dunno whether got sc anot de.cos some of them say got then some say dun have..but we didnt receive any message say dun have,so just go lorx...lolx...
then after tat going meet jiaxin,weilin,sandy n yy at compass point at 5pm... its 11.40am..going out soon...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
@ 2:38 PM
23july! @ 2:19 PM to post since free nth to do..
now LLA!!!boring!!later more worse...RCT!!!i hate RCT!!!its ****!!!

nothing to do now le..lolx!!!lolx!!!lolx!!!
This saturday got bb match with compassvale sec ppl!!!hope can win!!!GIRLS GO!!!!WE CAN SURELY WIN THEM!!!
Yesterday fall sick again:( hope to recover by saturday!!so tat can play:)hahas..
argghhh..nth to write liao!!!lolx..


OUCH!!!!YEO POH LEE BEAT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
(cos i beat her first:P)

OUCH OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!STUPID POH LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!SO BAD!!!!!!!:p
Friday, July 17, 2009
17july09,Friday @ 11:25 PM
Hello..back to post...will try to post at least once a week..

Has been very busy this week due to cca n studies...studying very hard for NWT cos last two weeks is Mr Soh teach...but very sad that next week he wont be teaching us le,cos mr suen is back again:( haiis...not tat mr suen not good luh..but his teaching method really doesnt suits majority of our class!!!!how i am going to survive in my course when i dun even understand wad the teacher is teaching about!!!haiis....really hope tat mr soh can teach us back..but i know its totally impossible:( **haiis haiis**
Next week hope there isnt any cca tat need to force me to skip lessons again!!!really cannot to afford to skip anymore as our exam is on the 7th n 9th sep!!!its getting nearer n nearer n i've not prepared anything yet...haiis...another problem!!!
This few days have not been sleeping well.dont know wad happened:( somemore today having diarrhoea:( losing appetite again!!!:(
Darling is also sick...really hope he will get well soon!!i dun wish to see him sick..dont know why,he's sick n i'm sad abt it:( weird? or its maybe normal?...dunno..anyway,darling:GET WELL SOON!!!
Today is friday,no need go to school...rotting at home for the whole day!!!soooo boring!!!hope tml wont be tat bored again...
Oh ya,nearly forgot to thank someone...--THANK YOU JAY!!for accompanying me wait for junhao tat day..or not i'll be sleeping at the stadium le:) thanks alot..i know i own u alot le:)will repay u if got chance:)
...Tats all for today!!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
@ 11:29 PM
Hello!!here to post again!!!

Today nothing tat special to post about...emm..dont really know how to start writting also...
Just lyk normal day,except today went to fo guan shan to help out for the dharma childrens class..hahas...u all must be wondering wad can i do there..hahas...
nothing much,basically just comment the childrens book and give them chop..hahas..AND AND AND bring them to the toilet!!!lolx...hahas...
Tml will be going there again cos got teachers talk,so must attend...need wake up early again:(

Tats all!!!
chatting with baobei now!!!!hahas...lolx