Saturday, October 24, 2009
@ 10:59 PM
Hello!!I'm back to update my blog again..As it has been dead for very long le..haha!!sorry to all viewers!Cos i'm busy with quite alot of things for the past few weeks.

As theres too much to post,i shall just break it into categories..
Firstly,shall just start with schooling,
School have started for the 2nd week already and i'm taking new subjects and electives..til now i'm still not coping well with it yet..its lyk for the past few lesson,either we are too slacking or the teacher doesnt teach at all..we have been ask to buy txtbook,but wad the teacher actually teaches us doesnt seems the same as in the txtbook itself..weird isnt it?!!its lyk totally no links..i really wonder how am i gg to pass my exams this term..last term results isnt very good..although i've got bth modules a grade B,but the GPA is only 3.0 .Hope to really get better grades this term..Jiayou!!

As you ppl know,its student council..have just came back from the camps few weeks ago..really did enjoy alot in there..and the past few weeks have been really busy with SC stuff..treasurer stuff and there will be more events coming up and investiture is coming real soon..And last week,something bad did happened to me,(sorry,dont wish to say out what eventually happened),have been sad for days..but i guess,now its over for a moment bah..and i really do hope such happenings will not be back again..

This few days have been once again sick:( aiyo,really horrible..nvr strong!!haha!!LOLx.. Something bad also,wont be playing bball for a period of time,as my right hand is pain,cant even shoot a ball at all..OMG!feel so useless!LOLX!hope to really get well too,so tat i can get back on bball court again soon..

As you ppl know tat i'm attached with Junhao!i really do love him alot now and he did treat me really well..and i'm happy with him:)he's also sick this few days,takecare yo darling!hope u will get well soon,so tat you can get back on tracks fast!:)Do really takecare..recently happenings,he will be gg to myammar for sch's community service trip during the dec holidays..he will be overseas for abt first,i do really feel very sad when i heard tat he is going,as this is aybe the fers time he is leaving me so many days..but after that,i've thought through tat,if i do really love him,i shldnt be stopping what he wants to do,and i shld be the one giving him the support.:)so,now just hoping that he will have a safe and fun trip there:)

okay,tats all..i believe its really long already..haha!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
@ 11:45 PM
NGAM Natural Soap-100g

Bergamot, Aloe Vera, Turmeric, Tamarind, Papaya, Coffee.

CONTAINS: Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Pure Sesame Oil, Organic Extract, Sodium Hydrazine.

But Now I only have - Aloe Vera, Turmeric, Tamarind & Papaya

Here is More info for you.

I'm Selling It @ $6/each Soap, Thanks.

• Use ingredients that are grown or produced without chemicals or artificial stimulants. Being
natural, ingredients are friendly to the skin and less likely to have negative side effects. This
means the benefits come from the earth, not a laboratory.
• Aims to fight the impact of poverty on women in Laos; a phenomenon making them more
vulnerable to the false promises of traffickers and sexual exploitation of women and girls. By creating
small business structures for them.
• Is all hand-made but them (Laos Woman).
• Have tested and certified that the ingredients used are largely organic and 100% natural by
Japan’s Ministry of Pharmaceutical Health.
• For you, here is the wed-site if you need to find out more about why? Good
about this produced and by buying this produced how you can help those victims.

If u all want to purchase or to clarify any doubts,simply msg/call me @ 82825434(Margaret)
Thank you for all your support:)